Bowls Australia

Important Strzelecki Information

Strzelecki Bowls Region Meeting Thursday 19 August at Leongatha BC.

There is a new email address for Strzelecki business

It was unanimously agreed that we are Strzelecki Bowls Region and the playing areas will be known as Strzelecki North and Strzelecki South.

A fixture book will not be printed.  Information will be on the Strzelecki Region website and important information will be made available to Clubs for distribution.

Players can enter State Events in either playing area; they cannot enter the same event in each playing area.

Covid-19 will provide difficulties for Clubs if the current space allocations continue – some small Clubs not big enough to have everyone inside.  Clubs will have to closely watch requirements of the Covid regulations.

Saturday Pennant will have a break of no more than 10 minutes unless both managers agree to play through without a break.

Saturday Pennant will be over 25 live ends.
Midweek Pennant will be over 21 live ends.

Each rink may have up to two men in Midweek Pennant.  Men are not allowed to play as skipper.  Must have lady skippers.

Semi-finals will be played at the home venue of the higher team on the ladder.
Preliminary and Grand Finals will be allocated to the best green available.

The maximum temperature for playing bowls will be 36 degrees for all competitions.  The BOM app on your mobile phone will be the reference point for temperature based on the advice of Bowls Victoria.

Clubs to nominate which Divisions they prefer to play in for the forthcoming season based on a Divisional structure similar to last year.  Preferred team places should be lodged at by Thursday September 1st.

Expressions of Interest are still being sought for a number of Committees.
Pennant, Competitions, Umpires, Greens, Coaching, Junior Development, Social Media.

Any further nominations should be lodged at by Thursday September 1st.


To see document please click the below link:
Strzelecki Board Information August 19